These sites are being used for automobile emission testing stations and are located in King, Snohomish and Pierce County. BRH provided design for site grading, storm, sanitary and water for 10 parcels ranging in size from 1.5 to 2.0 acres.
The existing parking lot on this Port Angeles site was deteriorating, cracking and settling, leaving areas of standing water. We re-graded the surface, building in an effective drainage system and adding requested site design features.
This facility maintains County vehicles involved in street maintenance, sweeping and emergency services, including snow removal. Site layout includes space for vehicle storage, and stockpiles of sand and gravel. We provided full scope civil engineering and the design of all site utilities, plus street improvements to Stone Avenue North.
BRH’s complete civil design incorporated detention tanks and stormwater filtration. Oil/water separation was also provided for truck washing runoff. Services included schematic design, frontage improvements, construction documents, permit review, and construction administration.
This regional post office distribution center in Redmond, required complete civil drawings including storm, sanitary sewer, water, fire lines, drainage design, parking, access and the design of regional water quality improvements.
Located on 2.5 acres, this theater seats 700 patrons and includes meeting rooms and a full-size gymnasium. BRH provided full-service civil engineering and surveying.